A way to productivity with projectivity!

Nov 27, 2023 | Blog

Time is a valuable resource that is crucial for the success of any business. It is said that “time saved is equivalent to money earned.” Time-saving measures can boost productivity and contribute significantly to the progress of any organization. In this blog, we will explore the importance of time reduction in the context of a production house and how our film production software, Projectivity, can help increase productivity.

When it comes to running a production house in Mumbai, time management is key. Time-saving measures can boost productivity and contribute significantly to the progress of any organization. To ensure the smooth functioning of the production house, certain administrative tasks need to be performed regularly. These tasks may include managing schedules, preparing reports, organizing meetings, and more. Traditionally, managing a production house involved performing various administrative tasks manually. This process is time-consuming and often leads to delays. Projectivity provides a solution by automating many of these administrative tasks. By using our film production software, employees can perform these tasks quickly and efficiently, leading to significant time savings.

Let’s consider an example to understand this better. 

Suppose a production house in Mumbai has three employees responsible for performing administrative tasks. On average, each employee is expected to work eight hours per day and 22 days per month, which amounts to 176 hours per month. So, the total man-hours invested by the three employees in performing administrative tasks would be 528 hours per month (176 * 3).

Now, if the production house implements a project management software, the time taken to perform these administrative tasks would be significantly reduced. Let us assume that with the help of your film production software, a single employee can perform these tasks in one hour per day or 22 hours per month. So, for three employees, the total time invested in performing these tasks would be 66 hours per month (22*3).

This time reduction can have a significant impact on the productivity of the production house. With the time saved, employees can focus on other important tasks that require their attention. This can lead to better workflow management, increased efficiency, and ultimately, better results. Many project management solutions have already been implemented in several film production projects, resulting in faster turnaround times, reduced costs, and improved quality. Check out how a digital workflow solution was implemented in a film production project, resulting in faster turnaround times, reduced costs, and improved quality.

In addition to improving productivity, time reduction can also help save money for the production house. By reducing the time spent on administrative tasks, the production house can cut down on labor costs. The time saved can also be used to increase revenue generation by taking on more projects or focusing on marketing efforts.

In conclusion, using film production management software like Projectivity is essential for a production house in Mumbai to streamline their workflow and increase productivity. By automating many of the administrative tasks, production houses can achieve significant time savings, leading to increased efficiency and ultimately, better results. With Projectivity, managing a production house has never been easier!